"Do not go far from me!"

and yet she did.

The twins' memories are shattered across the planes. Help them to find each other in this maelstrom of images from their past!

"Critical Role: Twinory - Memories of Two Siblings" is a fan game picturing the lifes of the half-elven twins Vex'ahlia and Vax'ildan as portrayed by a great many Critter artists. All these masterpieces are based on the adventures of Vox Machina, that can be revisited here.

If you want to find out where their future endeavours will lead them tune in on twitch every thursday 7 pm Pacific Standard Time.


Version 1.0 (May, 28th 2016)

  • 96 pictures by 48 artists
  • At the moment online highscores are only supported in the Download Version of the game. I know that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but that's how it is.
  • Happy Birthday to Liam and Laura - those two beautiful creatures bringing to life Vex and Vax time and time again. Your constant bickering is most inspiring!

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