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yeah, I have a let's play! also: I love your profile pic, would put that face right into the game as a characyer (with a bit of black&white pixel overhaul) ;-)
I must admit though, I thought I made sure that everybody has to play the game at a fixed resolution of 800x800 so I don't have to deal with scaling the UI and stuff like that, but you found a way! good on you, shame on me :-)

it was a high DPI screen issue! and i fixed it. thanks for pointing it out involuntarily ;-)

Love the idea, especially the infinite staircase. Playing with depth-perception reminded me of FEZ. I got the game-over dialogue, but I can't go back to sleep even with all six marbles. Guess Kindman has to stay up forever marbelling about the world... :)

This is a very cool game indeed! Never seen this form of depth perception, it's trippiness is only elevated further by the soundtrack and dialogue. Most impressive!